• August


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    Thermostats: Can Robots Keep Our Homes Comfortable?

    Thermostats: Can Robots Keep Our Homes Comfortable?

    Fall is coming to the DC region and the weather can be crazy — hot one day, cold the next, back and forth — until winter finally blasts its way in. If this seesaw weather causes you to change the mode on your thermostat repeatedly from heating to cooling, you’re not alone.

    • May


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    Light Bulbs 101: What You Need to Know Now

    Light Bulbs 101: What You Need to Know Now

    Our clients and other readers have told us lately that few things are more baffling than all of the new light bulb choices on the market today.  Said one, “Too many choices and too much research just to pick out a few light bulbs.”  So here’s our “Light Bulb 101” – what you need to

    • October


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    Mudrooms: The Secret to a Well-Organized and Clean Home

    Mudrooms: The Secret to a Well-Organized and Clean Home

    One of the best solutions to keeping your entire home clean and your family organized and ready for anything is the mudroom.  Foxcraft clients love to add these spaces to their remodel projects — sometimes as part of larger remodels and sometimes as separate projects — because they provide excellent organization and storage, cleanliness and

    • June


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    Composite Materials: Get More Life Out of Your Home’s Exterior

    Composite Materials: Get More Life Out of Your Home’s Exterior

    You have to admire the exterior of your home – it has a difficult job!  It has to protect the inside and outside from the cold and dampness of winter, moisture and decay brought on by heavy rains, insect invasions, and the blast-furnace heat and humidity of a good old Washington summer.  And, it has

    • April


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    Foam Insulation: For Comfort and Energy Efficiency

    Foam Insulation: For Comfort and Energy Efficiency

    Washington winter is officially over and it certainly was cold enough to notice whether there were chilly spots inside our homes. Drafts usually are caused by slight gaps in walls, window frames or other surfaces exposed to the outdoors. It’s a common problem and, with a typically hot DC summer on the way, now is

    • December


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    Make Your Home Toasty with In-Floor Heating

    Make Your Home Toasty with In-Floor Heating

    Winter is on the way and, every year at this time, Foxcraft clients ask us about installing heated floors in their homes. It’s a great feature to have in a bathroom or any other room. As toasty thermal radiation rises from the floor, it warms up any objects it strikes which, in turn, radiates captured heat. Also,

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